Pastor Ron Scadina has been ministering from foot washing services to preaching at Folsom Prision. We received approval to bring Revival church meetings to the maximum security jail in Santa Cruz. This is a Recovery Program that is not a self help by a Christ imersion class. Lives are being changed as we develop and expand this ministry.
We bring Church to the jail three times every month. Many are regular attendees and many visit us at the Red Church for our Weekly gathering from 3:30pm-5pm for a great meal, devotional, socks and prayer.
We are presently looking for partners who can invest in lives that need a second chance as we near a great outpouring of revival. The media ministry helped one convert reject more drugs as he had the drugs but could not take them as he watched our TV show "Reality Church" on the public access community television. He was convicted of sin while pastor Ron preached the love of Jesus Christ.
We recently ministered to a man on the street that two days before had had a vision of a hand coming out of the sidewalk to get him. He was ready to convert to Christitanity as he saw a white light flowing into his heart like a cone of energy as we prayed deliverance. Another man experienced a dream where something had a hand on him and was pulling him down into the dirt. This man has not yet converted but is asking many questions and wants help. Don't you want to invest in lives that can be changed for the glory of God. Please go the the contact page and click on support for SCR.
Recently (April 2013) Ted called at 11;25pm as he watched the show on 27 and asked for prayer as he was in a motel ready to commit suicide (gun in hand)......he got saved and came to the street the following day for more prayer and fellowship....Praise Jesus!!